ASVAB Shop Information Finishing Tools Practice Test 468429

Questions 5
Focus Finishing Tools
Topics Chisels, Files, Planes, Routers
Question Type Questions

Study Guide


Wood chisels are used to shape or smooth wood surfaces. They come in a variety of widths and can be used with hand power or tapped with a mallet when deeper cuts need to be made.


Files consist of diagonal rows of fine teeth and are used for fine finishing work to smooth, polish, or shape objects. Rasps are files with larger teeth that are used for coarse finishing work. Both files and rasps are designed to be inserted into detachable handles.


In wooodworking, a plane is used to shave off a small amount of material to smooth a surface or make it fit properly. A jack plane is a general purpose plane that contains an adjustable depth blade set at an angle with a handle and knob to allow gripping when sliding the plane across wood.


A router is a tool that a worker uses to rout (hollow out), shape, or contour an area in relatively hard material like wood or plastic.