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Sample Practice Test Questions

Mechanical Comprehension

A ramp is an example of which kind of simple machine?

inclined plane

An inclined plane is a simple machine that reduces the force needed to raise an object to a certain height. Work equals force x distance and, by increasing the distance that the object travels, an inclined plane reduces the force necessary to raise it to a particular height. In this case, the mechanical advantage is to make the task easier. An example of an inclined plane is a ramp.

Mechanical Comprehension

What is work?

The movement of an object by a force

Work is accomplished when force is applied to an object: W = Fd where F is force in newtons (N) and d is distance in meters (m). Thus, the more force that must be applied to move an object, the more work is done and the farther an object is moved by exerting force, the more work is done. By definition, work is the displacement of an object resulting from applied force.

General Science

Which of the following does not represent the freezing point of water?


The Fahrenheit scale fixes the freezing point of water at 32°F, the Celsuis scale at 0°C, and the Kelvin scale at 273K.

Mechanical Comprehension

Which of the following represents the force a surface exerts when an object presses against it?

normal force

Normal force (FN) represents the force a surface exerts when an object presses against it.

Electronics Information

The ohm is a unit of measurement for:


Resistance is opposition to the flow of current and is measured in ohms (Ω). One ohm is defined as the amount of resistance that will allow one ampere of current to flow if one volt of voltage is applied. As resistance increases, current decreases as resistance and current are inversely proportional.

Shop Information

Which of the following is not an advantage of using a tape measure over using a ruler?

measure with more accuracy

Rulers are used to both measure distance and to draw straight lines. Tape measures are flexible rulers useful for measuring longer distances and in tighter spaces. Rulers and tape measures provide similarly accurate measurements.

General Science

The Sun is a __________-type main-sequence star.


The Sun is a G-type main-sequence star (G2V) but is informally known as a yellow dwarf star. Composed of 73% hydrogen and 25% helium, the hot plasma that makes up the Sun reaches 9,900°F (5,505°C) at the surface. It formed approximately 4.6 billion years ago and makes up 99.86% of the mass in the solar system.

Electronics Information

Capacitors store:


Capacitors store electricity and are used in circuits as temporary batteries. Capacitors are charged by DC current (AC current passes through a capacitor) and that stored charge can later be dissipated into the circuit as needed. Capacitors are often used to maintain power within a system when it is disconnected from its primary power source or to smooth out or filter voltage within a circuit.

General Science

The heat from the Sun traveling to Earth is an example of which of the following?


Radiation occurs when electromagnetic waves transmit heat. An example is the heat from the Sun as it travels to Earth.

Math Knowledge

If angle a = 53° and angle b = 27° what is the length of angle d?


An exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the two interior angles that are opposite:

d° = b° + c°

To find angle c, remember that the sum of the interior angles of a triangle is 180°:

180° = a° + b° + c°
c° = 180° - a° - b°
c° = 180° - 53° - 27° = 100°

So, d° = 27° + 100° = 127°

A shortcut to get this answer is to remember that angles around a line add up to 180°:

a° + d° = 180°
d° = 180° - a°
d° = 180° - 53° = 127°