ASVAB Paragraph Comprehension Practice Test 83770

Question 1 of 5
The Criminal Grand Jury of Los Angeles County attends hearings brought by the District Attorney’s Office . The objective of this jury is to determine, on the basis of evidence presented by the District Attorney’s Office, whether certain persons should be charged with crimes an d required to stand trial in Superior Court. The Criminal Grand Jury is an accusatory body and not a trial jury; therefore, the burden of proof is much lower. Specifically, the Criminal Grand Jury must decide if there is a strong suspicion the individual committed the alleged crime.
According to this passage:
The burden of proof is held to a stricter standard during the review of evidence.
The District Attorney presents its case to the Criminal Grand Jury in Superior Court.
The Criminal Grand Jury is responsible for deciding if the alleged perpetrator of a crime should stand trial.
When a strong suspicion is determined, the Grand Jury recommends the charged individuals punishment.