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Sample Practice Test Questions

Word Knowledge
The jewel thief entered the mansion under the pretense of fixing a leaky faucet.
False intention or purpose.
General Science

Cirrus clouds are thin, wispy clouds composed of ice crystals. At what elevation to cirrus clouds form?


Cirrus clouds are thin, wispy high-altitude clouds composed of ice crystals that originate from the freezing of supercooled water droplets. Cirrus clouds generally occur in fair weather and point in the direction of air movement at their elevation.

General Science

Work is measured in:

joules or newton-meters

Work is performed on an object when an applied force causes displacement along the same vector. Measured in joules (J) or newton-meters (Nm), work is calculated by multiplying force times displacement:  \(W = \vec{F}\vec{d}\)

General Science

Which of the following would be found on a reflecting telescope?

concave mirror

A concave (or converging) mirror bulges inward and focuses reflected light on the mirror's focal point where the mirror's angles of incidence converge. In contrast, a convex (or diverging) mirror bulges outward and diffuses the light waves that strike it. A common use of a concave mirror is in a reflecting telescope, a common use of a convex mirror is in the side view mirror of a car.

Word Knowledge
Helen will only accept something of comparable value for her ticket to the concert.
Similar, equivalent.
General Science

__________ is caused by a lack of iron in the diet.


Anemia, which may cause weakness, dizziness, and headaches is caused by a lack of iron in the diet.

Mechanical Comprehension
A 290 lb. barrel is rolled up a 14 ft. ramp to a platform that's 2 ft. tall. What effort is required to move the barrel?
41.4 lbs.

This problem describes an inclined plane and, for an inclined plane, the effort force multiplied by the effort distance equals the resistance force multipied by the resistance distance:

Fede = Frdr

Plugging in the variables from this problem yields:

Fe x 14 ft. = 290 lbs. x 2 ft.
Fe = \( \frac{580 ft⋅lb}{14 ft.} \) = 41.4 lbs.

General Science

When light travels between two substances it bends. This is called:


Because different materials have different refractive indices, light changes speed when passing from one material to another. This causes the light to bend (refraction) at an angle that depends on the change in refractive index between the materials. The greater the difference, the higher the angle of refraction.

Mechanical Comprehension

Power is the rate at which:

work is done

Power is the rate at which work is done, P = w/t, or work per unit time. The watt (W) is the unit for power and is equal to 1 joule (or newton-meter) per second. Horsepower (hp) is another familiar unit of power used primarily for rating internal combustion engines. 1 hp equals 746 watts.

Shop Information

When using a hacksaw, blades with __________ teeth are more appropriate for cutting thinner materials.


A hacksaw has replaceable blades and is used to cut metal. The blade type is chosen based on the material that is to be cut. Blades with larger numbers of teeth per inch are more appropriate for cutting thinner materials.