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Sample Practice Test Questions

Automotive Information

Which of the following is not a primary function of a vehicle's lubrication system?

increases fuel economy

The lubrication system lubricates engine components by putting an oil film between them to reduce friction and smooth engine operation, cools by absorbing heat from engine parts, seals the pistons and cylinders to contain combustion, cleans contaminants, and quiets engine noise.

Mechanical Comprehension

If the handles of a wheelbarrow are 3 ft. from the wheel axle, what force must you exert to lift the handles if it's carrying a 270 lb. load concentrated at a point 0.5 ft. from the axle?

45 lbs

This problem describes a second-class lever and, for a second class lever, the effort force multiplied by the effort distance equals the resistance force multipied by the resistance distance: Fede = Frdr. Plugging in the variables from this problem yields:

Fe x 3 ft. = 270 lbs x 0.5 ft
Fe = 135 ft-lb. / 3 ft 
F= 45 lbs

Word Knowledge
Absolve most nearly means:
To forgive; to free from guilt.
Math Knowledge

The endpoints of this line segment are at (-2, -7) and (2, 3). What is the slope of this line?


The slope of this line is the change in y divided by the change in x. The endpoints of this line segment are at (-2, -7) and (2, 3) so the slope becomes:

m = \( \frac{\Delta y}{\Delta x} \) = \( \frac{(3.0) - (-7.0)}{(2) - (-2)} \) = \( \frac{10}{4} \)
m = 2\(\frac{1}{2}\)

Electronics Information

Which of the following is not a characteristic of direct current?

an example power source is a generator

Direct current flows in only one direction in a circuit, from the negative terminal of the voltage source to the positive. A common source of DC is a battery. In contrast to the constant one-way flow of direct current, alternating current changes direction many times each second. Electricity is delivered from power stations to customers as AC because it provides a more efficient way to transport electricity over long distances.

Math Knowledge

If the base of this triangle is 6 and the height is 7, what is the area?


The area of a triangle is equal to ½ base x height:

a = ½bh
a = ½ x 6 x 7 = \( \frac{42}{2} \) = 21

Math Knowledge

Factor y2 - 4y - 32

(y - 8)(y + 4)

To factor a quadratic expression, apply the FOIL method (First, Outside, Inside, Last) in reverse. First, find the two Last terms that will multiply to produce -32 as well and sum (Inside, Outside) to equal -4. For this problem, those two numbers are -8 and 4. Then, plug these into a set of binomials using the square root of the First variable (y2):

y2 - 4y - 32
y2 + (-8 + 4)y + (-8 x 4)
(y - 8)(y + 4)

Mechanical Comprehension
2 If the force applied at the blue arrow over 5 ft. moves the green box 2.5 ft., what is the mechanical advantage of this lever?

Mechanical advantage (MA) can be calculated knowing only the distance the effort (blue arrow) moves and the distance the resistance (green box) moves. The equation is:

MA = \( \frac{E_d}{R_d} \)

where Ed is the effort distance and Rd is the resistance distance. For this problem, the equation becomes:

MA = \( \frac{5 ft.}{2.5 ft.} \) = 2

You might be wondering how having an effort distance of 2 times the resistance distance is an advantage. Remember the principle of moments. For a lever in equilibrium the effort torque equals the resistance torque. Because torque is force x distance, if the effort distance is 2 times the resistance distance, the effort force must be \( \frac{1}{2} \) the resistance force. You're trading moving 2 times the distance for only having to use \( \frac{1}{2} \) the force.

General Science

"An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force." This describes which of Newton's laws of motion?


Also known as the law of inertia, Newton's first law of motion states that An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

Word Knowledge
After the fire, Mrs. Han tried to salvage her family photos from the wreckage.
To save from ruin.