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Sample Practice Test Questions

Arithmetic Reasoning

Simplify \( \frac{24}{56} \).

\( \frac{3}{7} \)

To simplify this fraction, first find the greatest common factor between them. The factors of 24 are [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24] and the factors of 56 are [1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 14, 28, 56]. They share 4 factors [1, 2, 4, 8] making 8 their greatest common factor (GCF).

Next, divide both numerator and denominator by the GCF:

\( \frac{24}{56} \) = \( \frac{\frac{24}{8}}{\frac{56}{8}} \) = \( \frac{3}{7} \)

Word Knowledge
Sarah thought George's ploy of borrowing her notes was a cowardly way to ask her out.
A contrived plan.
General Science

Which of these digestive enzymes is not produced by the pancreas?

gastric acid

The acids produced by the pancreas contain several enzymes that aid in digestion.  Lipase converts fat to glycerol and fatty acids. Pancreatic amylase breaks down complex carbohydrates into simple sugars. Trypsin converts polypeptides (the building blocks of protein) into amino acids.

Electronics Information

The valence shell of a conductor is how full of electrons?

less than half full

Conductors are elements that allow electrons to flow freely. Their valence shell is less than half full of electrons that are able to move easily from one atom to another.

Shop Information

When using a hacksaw, blades with __________ teeth are more appropriate for cutting thinner materials.


A hacksaw has replaceable blades and is used to cut metal. The blade type is chosen based on the material that is to be cut. Blades with larger numbers of teeth per inch are more appropriate for cutting thinner materials.

Automotive Information

The fluid reservoir stores the __________ that the master cylinder uses to maintain hydraulic pressure.

brake fluid

The fluid reservoir stores the brake fluid that the master cylinder uses to maintain hydraulic pressure.

Word Knowledge
Retroactive most nearly means:
effective as of a prior time or condition.
Word Knowledge
Mandate most nearly means:
An official order or commission to do something.
General Science

Which of the following members of the food chain are most alike?

scavengers and decomposers

Like decomposers, scavengers also break down the dead bodies of plants and animals into simple nutrients. The difference is that scavengers operate on much larger refuse and dead animals (carrion). Decomposers then consume the much smaller particles left over by the scavengers.

Word Knowledge
Duplicity most nearly means:
Deceptive thought, speech, or action.