ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 534659

Questions 5
Words antidote, demeanor, obnoxious, turmoil, untenable

Study Guide

The definition for antidote is "Something that relieves or counteracts." Used in a sentence: Veronique found that listening to French music was an antidote for her homesickness.
The definition for demeanor is "Behavior towards others." Used in a sentence: Carlos was well liked because of his charming demeanor.
The definition for obnoxious is "Highly offensive." Used in a sentence: The manager asked the obnoxious diner to leave the restaurant.
The definition for turmoil is "Extreme confusion, agitation." Used in a sentence: The windstorm caused such turmoil in the lake that the sailboat capsized.
The definition for untenable is "Not able to be defended." Used in a sentence: Rashid made the untenable statement that George Washington was the second president of the United States.