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Sample Practice Test Questions

General Science

When light travels between two substances it bends. This is called:


Because different materials have different refractive indices, light changes speed when passing from one material to another. This causes the light to bend (refraction) at an angle that depends on the change in refractive index between the materials. The greater the difference, the higher the angle of refraction.

Electronics Information

A capacitor is often used for which of the following purposes?

to maintain power in a circuit when the primary power source is disconnected

Capacitors store electricity and are used in circuits as temporary batteries. Capacitors are charged by DC current (AC current passes through a capacitor) and that stored charge can later be dissipated into the circuit as needed. Capacitors are often used to maintain power within a system when it is disconnected from its primary power source or to smooth out or filter voltage within a circuit.

Electronics Information

In household electrical wiring, which color of insulation indicates the 'hot' wire?


In the NM cable used for wiring homes, each cable has three wires inside a sheath with each wire covered in a different color of insulation to indicate its type. The wire with the black insulation is the 'hot' wire, white is the neutral wire, and the ground wire is either covered in green insulation or left bare.

Word Knowledge
Audrey used her innocent baby brother as a scapegoat for the missing cookies.
Someone who bears the blame for others.
Shop Information

A joint created by soldering is:

weaker than a weld

A joint created by soldering is not as strong as a weld and not as strong as the original metal.

Automotive Information

A cylinders acts as a guide for a:


Cylinders act as a guide for the pistons that translate the heat energy of combustion into the mechanical energy necessary to move a vehicle. Piston rings seal the piston to the cylinder to contain combustion gases and also regulate the oil distribution between the piston and cylinder wall. A cylinder head closes in the top of the cylinder forming the combustion chamber which is sealed by a head gasket (head). The head provides space for air and fuel intake valves, exhaust valves, and mounts for spark plugs and fuel injectors.

Arithmetic Reasoning

If a mayor is elected with 86% of the votes cast and 68% of a town's 29,000 voters cast a vote, how many votes did the mayor receive?


If 68% of the town's 29,000 voters cast ballots the number of votes cast is:

(\( \frac{68}{100} \)) x 29,000 = \( \frac{1,972,000}{100} \) = 19,720

The mayor got 86% of the votes cast which is:

(\( \frac{86}{100} \)) x 19,720 = \( \frac{1,695,920}{100} \) = 16,959 votes.

Arithmetic Reasoning

Which of the following is an improper fraction?

\({7 \over 5} \)

A rational number (or fraction) is represented as a ratio between two integers, a and b, and has the form \({a \over b}\) where a is the numerator and b is the denominator. An improper fraction (\({5 \over 3} \)) has a numerator with a greater absolute value than the denominator and can be converted into a mixed number (\(1 {2 \over 3} \)) which has a whole number part and a fractional part.

Mechanical Comprehension

A wedge converts force applied to its blunt end into force __________ its inclined surface.

perpendicular to

The wedge is a moving inclined plane that is used to lift, hold, or break apart an object. A wedge converts force applied to its blunt end into force perpendicular to its inclined surface. In contrast to a stationary plane where force is applied to the object being moved, with a wedge the object is stationary and the force is being applied to the plane. Examples of a wedge include knives and chisels.

Automotive Information

Which of the following is not a function of the oil pan?

cools engine oil

The oil pan contains the engine oil reservoir of from four to six quarts of oil and feeds the oil pump through the oil pickup tube. An oil strainer floats at the top of the oil in the oil pan and screens debris from the oil before feeding it to the oil pump.