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Sample Practice Test Questions

General Science

Heredity is the passing on of physical or mental characteristics genetically from one __________ to another.


Heredity is the passing on of physical or mental characteristics genetically from one generation to another. Heredity is made possible via large strings of chromosomes which carry information encoded in genes.

Electronics Information

Which of the following is not a common type of battery?


Direct current flows in only one direction in a circuit, from the negative terminal of the voltage source to the positive. A common source of direct current (DC) is a battery. The three most common types of batteries are dry cell (used in small devices like TV remotes), wet cell (used for cars), and deep-cycle (storage batteries used primarily for backup and emergency power).

Electronics Information

Direct current flows from the __________ terminal of the voltage source to the __________ terminal.

negative, positive

Direct current flows in only one direction in a circuit, from the negative terminal of the voltage source to the positive. A common source of direct current (DC) is a battery.

Math Knowledge

A coordinate grid is composed of which of the following?

all of these

The coordinate grid is composed of a horizontal x-axis and a vertical y-axis. The center of the grid, where the x-axis and y-axis meet, is called the origin.

Arithmetic Reasoning

Cooks are needed to prepare for a large party. Each cook can bake either 5 large cakes or 20 small cakes per hour. The kitchen is available for 2 hours and 26 large cakes and 480 small cakes need to be baked.

How many cooks are required to bake the required number of cakes during the time the kitchen is available?


If a single cook can bake 5 large cakes per hour and the kitchen is available for 2 hours, a single cook can bake 5 x 2 = 10 large cakes during that time. 26 large cakes are needed for the party so \( \frac{26}{10} \) = 2\(\frac{3}{5}\) cooks are needed to bake the required number of large cakes.

If a single cook can bake 20 small cakes per hour and the kitchen is available for 2 hours, a single cook can bake 20 x 2 = 40 small cakes during that time. 480 small cakes are needed for the party so \( \frac{480}{40} \) = 12 cooks are needed to bake the required number of small cakes.

Because you can't employ a fractional cook, round the number of cooks needed for each type of cake up to the next whole number resulting in 3 + 12 = 15 cooks.

Electronics Information

The ohm is a unit of measurement for:


Resistance is opposition to the flow of current and is measured in ohms (Ω). One ohm is defined as the amount of resistance that will allow one ampere of current to flow if one volt of voltage is applied. As resistance increases, current decreases as resistance and current are inversely proportional.

General Science

Which of the following is sedimentary rock?


The Earth's rocks fall into three categories based on how they're formed. Igneous rock (granite, basalt, obsidian) is formed from the hardening of molten rock (lava), sedimentary rock (shale, sandstone, coal) is formed by the gradual despositing and cementing of rock and other debris, and metamorphic rock (marble, slate, quartzite) which is formed when existing rock is altered though pressure, temperature, or chemical processes.

Automotive Information

What cylinder arrangement would be most common in a four cylinder front-wheel drive vehicle?


Cylinder number and arrangement depends on the purpose of the engine. Smaller (four and six cylinder) engines in front-wheel drive vehicles often use an inline design which orients cylinders vertically over the crankshaft and aligns them in a row. Other common orientations are a horizontal/opposed design which places cylinders flat facing each other with the crankshaft between them and a V-type design common in six and eight cylinder engines that features one cylinder head per block of cylinders oriented at a 60 to 90 degree angle to each other with the crankshaft at the bottom of the V.

Shop Information
adjustable wrench

This tool is a(n) __________.

adjustable wrench

Wrenches are used to provide grip and mechanical advantage by applying torque to turn objects (or to keep them from turning). The longer the wrench, the more torque that can be applied. Wrench ends are available in two primary types, open-end and box-end. A box-end wrench encloses the bolt head and is useful when more torque is needed or to maintain contact in difficult to reach locations. An open-end wrench is designed for speedily loosening easier to reach fasteners. Wrenches that feature one open and one box end are called combination wrenches and adjustable wrenches feature an open end with an adjustable width.

Shop Information
outside micrometer

This tool is a(n) __________.

outside micrometer

Micrometers provide accuracy to the thousandths of an inch and come in outside and inside varieties. An outside micrometer is used to measure outside thickness, such as the diameter of a bolt, while an inside micrometer is used to measure the inside dimension of an object, such as the diameter of the hole of a nut or the width of a channel.