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Sample Practice Test Questions

General Science

The formula  \(\vec{F_{g}} = { Gm_{1}m_{2} \over r^2}\) applies to which of Newton's laws?

universal gravitation

Newton's law of universal gravitation defines gravity: All objects in the universe attract each other with an equal force that varies directly as a product of their masses, and inversely as a square of their distance from each other. Expressed as a formula:  \(\vec{F_{g}} = { Gm_{1}m_{2} \over r^2}\) where r is the distance between the two objects and G is the gravitational constant with a value of 6.67 x 10-11.

Word Knowledge
Although her stomach was in knots, the actress appeared perfectly composed when she took the stage.
Shop Information
combination wrench

This tool is a(n) __________.

combination wrench

Wrenches are used to provide grip and mechanical advantage by applying torque to turn objects (or to keep them from turning). The longer the wrench, the more torque that can be applied. Wrench ends are available in two primary types, open-end and box-end. A box-end wrench encloses the bolt head and is useful when more torque is needed or to maintain contact in difficult to reach locations. An open-end wrench is designed for speedily loosening easier to reach fasteners. Wrenches that feature one open and one box end are called combination wrenches and adjustable wrenches feature an open end with an adjustable width.

Electronics Information

Electricity cannot flow...

through an open circuit

An electrical circuit is a path through which electricity flows. This path contains one or more components that create a load (something that is using electricity) and that load acts as resistance to the passage of electricity through the circuit. Electricity can only flow through a circuit when the path is closed and cannot flow through an open circuit.

General Science

What kind of weather front is likely to create clouds and storms?

warm front

A warm front is the boundary between warm and cool (or cold) air when the warm air is replacing the cold air. Warm air at the surface pushes above the cool air mass creating clouds and storms.

General Science

__________ and __________ pair to strengthen bones.

vitamin D, calcium

Vitamin D helps calcium strengthen bones while also aiding muscle, nerve, and immune system function.

General Science

An element in the physical state of __________ maintains a constant volume and shape.


An element in a solid state has atoms or molecules that are constricted and do not move freely. Solids maintain a constant volume and shape and exist at a lower temperature than liquids or gases.

Word Knowledge
Jade placed the fragile vase out of reach of her rambunctious boys.
Shop Information
outside micrometer

This tool is a(n) __________.

outside micrometer

Micrometers provide accuracy to the thousandths of an inch and come in outside and inside varieties. An outside micrometer is used to measure outside thickness, such as the diameter of a bolt, while an inside micrometer is used to measure the inside dimension of an object, such as the diameter of the hole of a nut or the width of a channel.

Arithmetic Reasoning

Simplify \( \sqrt{8} \)

2\( \sqrt{2} \)

To simplify a radical, factor out the perfect squares:

\( \sqrt{8} \)
\( \sqrt{4 \times 2} \)
\( \sqrt{2^2 \times 2} \)
2\( \sqrt{2} \)